Sunday, January 27, 2008

More on Politics

I have a membership with Netflix. They take about 2 1/2 weeks to get here sometimes, but they get here. I was watching a documentary about the 2000 election. The documentary focused on how the election was stolen from the Democrats. I have to stop watching that stuff, because every time I watch stuff like that I just get more and more angry. The audacity...just the audacity of the Republicans to go to those lengths to steal the election. It just boggles my mind. It's hard (still) to put my mind around just how disgustingly duplicitous the Republicans were--and they got away with it. Where the hell was the "Liberal News Media?" Those bastards are lazy but they sure aren't liberal.

It makes what we're doing here all the more galling because if Gore hadn't been cheated out of the election we probably wouldn't be here in Iraq. All the bad stuff that has happened in the last 7 years, or most of it, wouldn't have happened. Naturally, if a 9/11-type of attack had happened the Republicans would have blamed the Democrats for being "soft" on terrorism. I'll tell you what--they may have been better at combatting terrorism because there would have been continuity of the effort and emphasis on the problem. Bush and Co. were looking at China as the bogeyman, not Osama. I have to stop because I am starting to REALLY get angry.

So Obama won the South Carolina primary. I'm not surprised. I am surprised by the margin of the vote, though. Clinton, if she is going to win, needs to change the subject and get her machine rolling in the states voting on Feb. 5th. Letting the press (who hate the Clintons) dictate the tempo and the news coverage is not helpful; she needs to dictate the news. She can do it. I am actually gravitating to her a little because I think the press, enabled by the Republicans, are doing a hit-job on her. Straight up, they are doing a hit job on her. Edwards, my candidate, just isn't going to win it, but he can still influence the outcome. I think the only time I voted in the primary for the eventual nominee was probably 1996, when I voted for Clinton, and 2000 when I voted for Gore. In 2004 I voted for Wesley Clark, and like I said, this time I voted for Edwards.

Well, the next 7 days will be pretty interesting. Not too much is being spoken about this around the office (surprise!). Most of them are republicans, and all the Republicans suck, so there isn't a whole lot to talk about. Good for them. It's about time they all shut the hell up.



Anonymous said...

You haven't posted in, like, forever??! What's with that? And I am sure that there are some Republicans that you must like, even if they suck...and maybe because they do?!

Unknown said...

Hi! I've discovered your blog and I would like to say keep up the good work!

Army Sergeant said...

Back yet, sir?

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