Tuesday, August 7, 2007

First Post

Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog. This is the first time I have tried this, so be patient with me as I go along with this. I have never tried to write a blog, but I feel like I am in a position to write and record some interesting stuff.

As my friends and family already know, I am a soldier serving in the United States Army in Iraq. I have been here long enough to form some observations, and as we go along I want to share them. My intent with this blog isn't to bitch, whine, and moan my way through a 12-month deployment; rather, it's to record my experiences in an online journal that others can read, too, and see what I see. If I have opinions to share, they are entirely my own. I don't pretend to represent the institution of the Army in what I say--just look at the title of my blog. I just want to bring my experiences (and how I feel about them) to the web so anyone can get one man's take on what is going on here. I have a unique opportunity to share my perspective and that's what I'll do.

Through my observations, my humor, and my pictures I hope you find my blog to be funny, interesting, and above all--entertaining. Some lofty aspirations...I'll do my best to live up to them. Goodbye for now; I'll be writing again soon. You can count on it.

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