Saturday, September 8, 2007

MWR Night

Tonight we had a surprise performance by a pretty cool band from California. They're called Wilson Gil and the Willful Sinners. They're a rock and roll band that kind of makes you think about all those bar bands you saw when you were in college that just rocked the house when you saw them. They were really, really good. They were also pretty funny in between some of the songs. They had a pretty strong stage presence. Here's a picture of me with Tony Gil himself:

That's Staff Sergeant Fiorani in the background being a doofus. That's not like him; he's usually the doofus in the foreground.

They were really cool. Listening to an American rock band in Baghdad is a little strange. I talked with one of the guys in the band (Joe Dean) who mentioned that this was definitely one of the more "different" venues they've played. I imagine Afghanistan is a lot more austere. They played there during the summer.

They also are down with an energy drink they have here in the DFACs called "Rip-it." It's just like Red Bull except for the price tag. It's free! Woo hoo! They were all trippin' on the stuff. I'll tell you what, I have my own stash in my office cube for when I need a little boost.

Like I said, if you get the chance to see this band you need to do it. Great bunch of guys, and great music. Coming over here to play for us takes some courage. They aren't even armed.

Check out their website:

Thanks guys!

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